There are a number of reasons why ceiling fans can decrease in speed over time. By carrying out a couple of easy steps, this can improve their speed and be more efficient.
If these basic steps fail to work then assistance from an electrician may be needed, if this also fails to work then a replacement of the fan may be necessary.
Ceiling fans are designed to keep a person’s house at a cool temperature and comfortable. They also lower energy use, which in today’s climate is appealing to most.
Step 1
The first step to increase the speed of your ceiling fan is to ensure there is no vibration in the blades.
Use a small screw driver to make sure the blade arms on your fan are as tight as possible to do this. You will find the place to do this in the centre of the fan where the arms attach.
Make sure you clean the dust off of the blades.
Over time the blades on your fan will accumulate dust, dirt and debris which causes the fan to slow down dramatically and means the bearings can not move well, the slower they move the louder they become.
A wet wipe will be a sufficient tool to do this as the dust and dirt will stick to them.
Over time this will get worse and worse if not cleaned and they will eventually not be able to move at all.
Step 2

The second step is to ensure the fans moving parts are lubricated.
To do this, the ceiling fan will have an oil reservoir which needs to be filled with 10,15 or 20 weight oil.
If the oil reservoir seems to be dirty, it is imperative that this is cleaned, to do this, rotate the fan for a couple of rotations and then get rif of the old oil and refill with new oil.
Step 3
Now it’s time to switch your ceiling fan back on to see if the spinning speed has increased and returned back to its original speed. If it has not, this means there’s a fault with your switch and wiring.
Step 4
If the speed has not increased, take a look where the pull chain is wired to the fan. Watch out for loose wires/connections.
If there are no wires, then the switch may need to be replaced.
Final Thoughts
If your ceiling fan is an essential in your home then you will want to ensure that it is working the best it possibly can. The quicker your ceiling fan runs the quieter it also runs which is a huge benefit.
We hope this guide helps you to speed up your ceiling fan, if these steps do not work we suggest calling in the help of a professional electrician.